Uses of Epsom Salts
SOOTHES SORE MUSCLESRelieve sore muscles by dissolving a tablespoon of Epsom Salt into a cup of hot water and cooling the solution in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Apply the paste to clean skin. |
DETOXIFYING SOAKAdd two cups of Epsom Salt to a bathtub of hot water and soak for at least 12 minutes. Treat yourself to a soak three times weekly for best results. |
POST-SHOWER SPA TREATMENTAfter a shower, gently massage wet skin with handfuls of Dr Teal’s® Epsom Salt. The Salt’s coarse texture and rich nutrients help to cleanse and get rid of dead skin cells, leaving your skin silky smooth. |
HAIR VOLUMISERAdding Epsom Salt to conditioner can help rid hair of excess oil, which can weigh hair down and leave it looking flat. Apply and leave in for 20 minutes before rinsing. Repeat the treatment weekly. |
SUNBURN RELIEFEpsom Salt’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a great tool for alleviating sunburn irritation. Take an empty spray bottle, mix two tablespoons of Epsom salt with one cup of water and spray on the affected area. |
BEE STING REMEDYMix two tablespoons of Epsom Salt with a cup of cold water and soak a cotton washcloth in the solution. Apply to affected area. If you have severe swelling or trouble breathing following a bee sting, seek emergency medical attention. |
FACIAL EXFOLIATIONFor an Epsom Salt exfoliating facial, add half a teaspoon of Epsom Salt to any face cleansing cream. Apply to skin using a gentle circular motion, rinse with cold water, and dry. |
RELIEVES DRY LIPSCombine a few tablespoons of Epsom Salt with a teaspoon of petroleum jelly, apply the solution to the lips, and gently rub it in. The solution helps remove dry skin and will leave your lips looking fuller and healthier. |
SPLINTER REMEDYRelieve the swelling and irritation with an Epsom Salt compress. Combine two tablespoons of Epsom Salt with a cup of cold water, soak a cotton wash cloth in the solution, and apply to the affected area. |
PEDICURE PLUSMix 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt with warm soapy water and soak. Remove nail polish, cut and file toenails and then soak again for five minutes. Epsom Salt’s natural exfoliating properties will help soften rough and callused skin. |